Returning and Exchanging Online Orders
If you are unhappy with your purchase, you have 30 days to return the item(s) for a full refund. The buyer is responsible for all return shipping costs. The item(s) must be unused/unopened for a full refund. If the item(s) are opened, there will be a 25% restocking fee, so you will be refunded 75% of the purchase price. If your shipment is defective or damaged in transit, please email us at, and we will be sure to make it right!
Please mail any returns to:
The DIME Store
118 E McKinney St
Denton, TX 76201Include your Invoice number, and we will submit the refund once the product has been delivered to the store.
Returning and Exchanging In-Store Purchases
If you are unhappy with your purchase, you have 30 days to return the item(s) for a full refund. The item(s) must be unused/unopened for a full refund. If the item(s) are opened, there will be a 25% restocking fee, so you will be refunded 75% of the purchase price. If your purchase is damaged or defective, please email us at, and we will be sure to make it right!
Please provide your receipt or bring the card that you paid with for a full refund.
Returns made without an original receipt may qualify for an in-store gift card for the purchase price.